Contagious is a huge word right now. I thought it deserved a song to explore the meaning a little bit.
Incidentally, in a bit of dark humor, kids at Heather’s school were playing “Coronavirus tag.” Trust kids to be creative in the hard times.
here’s a spotify link.,
and an apple music link
Contagious is a word we’ve all heard a lot.
It’s about what you get, or about what you’ve got.
Contagious is like a cold or the flu.
You can spread it to me. I can spread it to you.
Germs pass from coughing or sharing a drink
They live on a door or a floor or a sink.
We hope we don’t get them or pass them on through.
Don’t spread them to me, I won’t spread them to you.
You might be contagious and not know you’re sick
But if we are careful, we can all do the trick
Wash hands, keep some distance and cover a sneeze
I won’t spread it to you, you won’t spread it to me.
It might travel fast or travel in stages.
But more than diseases can be contagious.
Helping, smiling, happiness, too.
You can spread them to me; I can spread them to you.
An epidemic is when things move ‘cross the land.
Imagine if kindness would get out of hand?
With joy and compassion, no matter who.
Spreading to me and spreading to you.
Contagious is a word we’re hearing a lot.
It means what you get, or it means what you’ve got.
When the whole world seems scary or blue
Spread love to me. I’ll spread love to you.
Love is contagious, I know it’s true.
Spread some to me, spread some to you.
Love is contagious, that’s what I’ve found.
Love is contagious, spread it around.
© Stuart Stotts 2020
How wonderful! Stuart, you nailed it! The best of using our songwriting for kids to help them and their adults cope with the trials that life sends us! Bravo!
will send to Hendrix Honig in Brooklyn! Great job, Stuart
Terrific song with a perfectly positive much-needed twist.