Sheet music
I invite you to download* any of these songs right off this web site, if you have a use for them. There’s a suggested cost of $2.00 (US) for each copy and I always appreciate hearing a couple of sentences telling us how you’ll use it. We are curious. I don’t have a fierce enforcement department so I’ll trust you to do what’s right.
Thanks to Val Smalkin, Kevin McMullin, Nancy Silber, and Brigid Finucane and Scott Stewart for lead sheets.
Download: Music in My Mother’s House (.pdf)
Download: Darkest Days (.pdf)
Download: Singing All Over the World (.pdf)
Download: Singing is Good For Your Brain (.pdf)
Download: Eight Hugs a Day (.pdf)
Download: So Many Ways to be Smart (.pdf)
Download: I’m Gonna Clap My Hands(.pdf)
Download: It All Adds (.pdf)
Download: Out in the Garden (.pdf)
Download: Five to One (.pdf)
Download: Everybody Started Out Small(.pdf)
Download: Who’s Gonna Change It? (.pdf)
Download: LoveInAnylanguage(.pdf)
Download: PutYourMaskOnHoney(.pdf)
–Stuart Stotts